October 4, 2018 / how to, internet, news, security Facebook got hacked The Facebook reported that hackers took advantage of the vulnerability in the social network code and got access to approximately 50...
September 26, 2018 / fix, how to, internet Top posts across Facebook – how to disable Lately, Facebook started getting better at making things worse. For example, the latest feature on facebook news feed called...
September 20, 2018 / how to, internet, security, software, windows How to check the connection to a certain port Windows 10 and Windows 8.1 now have an opportunity to check the connection to a certain port in a...
June 27, 2018 / google, how to, security, software How to protect Google Chrome with the password Most among average internet users may not know that Google Chrome has a convenient system for managing user profiles, allowing each user to have their...
June 27, 2018 / how to, software How to make subtitles? Making subtitles is one of those skills that often become necessary in the most inappropriate moment. Initially you never actually need...
May 16, 2018 / microsoft, review MS Word features and tips you probably did not know about! Part 2 Right you are, we have already explored some of the Microsoft Word functions in one of our May 16, 2018 / google, internet, review, security, software How to make Google Chrome Secure. Best extensions! Internet identity theft nowadays is a very concerning problem. Really, it is not that hard to find out about incidents connected... May 10, 2018 / fix, windows How to speed up your android phone or tablet The smartphone users have different expectations from their gadgets - tastes differ, but there is one thing in common that everyone... May 2, 2018 / fix, windows PS/2 mouse is not working on Windows 10 PS/2 mices are not widely used any more. Some motherboards do not have this port any more. In addition, PS/2 mouse... April 26, 2018 / fix, windows Windows Spotlight image stuck If, like me, you are sick and tired of this picture on your Windows locksckreen, and your WIndows Spotlight is not... Page 13 of 43«‹1112131415›»
May 16, 2018 / google, internet, review, security, software How to make Google Chrome Secure. Best extensions! Internet identity theft nowadays is a very concerning problem. Really, it is not that hard to find out about incidents connected...
May 10, 2018 / fix, windows How to speed up your android phone or tablet The smartphone users have different expectations from their gadgets - tastes differ, but there is one thing in common that everyone...
May 2, 2018 / fix, windows PS/2 mouse is not working on Windows 10 PS/2 mices are not widely used any more. Some motherboards do not have this port any more. In addition, PS/2 mouse...
April 26, 2018 / fix, windows Windows Spotlight image stuck If, like me, you are sick and tired of this picture on your Windows locksckreen, and your WIndows Spotlight is not...