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  • Posted September 22, 2016

Work with Google Chrome faster

There are tons of the things that you can configure in your Google Chrome browser. Normally to change anything you would go to settings screen and find most of the things you might need: browser appearance, search engines that are used, extensions, browsing history, etc. You have probably noticed that there is a button to show advanced […]
  • Posted September 21, 2016

No Sound in Gear VR movies

We had multiple articles about VR technology development and VR goggle finally going into the mass. Now, it’s time to look closer at virtual reality and the problems you might face working with VR goggles.   Intro (you may skip it if you want and move to the section 2 where you find the solution.) […]
  • Posted September 20, 2016

USB Device Not Recognized? How to Fix?

It may happen that when you connect an external USB device to your computer, Windows surprises you with message saying “USB Device Not Recognized” instead of launching the dialogue window. The error message also may appear out of a sudden while the device is already plugged in to your computer and from now on it […]
  • Posted September 15, 2016

Sync Google Drive with your PC

We have spoken about data safety in previous articles. It is fair to say that keeping files, or at least their backup copies, somewhere on the cloud would be a good idea. Another option that you have is to store documents directly on cloud and let cloud service take care of security and backups. One […]
  • Posted September 14, 2016

Group Policy editor in Windows 10 Starter

One of the reasons I chose Windows 10 Pro for me was inability to turn off Windows Defender. It’s not a secret that Windows Defender slows the system a lot by eating up your resources while scanning the system on the background. Lots of users complain that the disk usage rises up to 100% due to the […]
  • Posted September 13, 2016

Recover data from crashed Windows with installation media only

Windows OS is not ideal and it is not unusual that it may crash in a way that it can no longer boot up. Fixing Windows system in some cases is not an option or requires a lot more efforts and/or money than clean installation. This situation is very common if Windows is rather old […]
  • Posted September 7, 2016

Internet is not Wireless – at all!

We are now more used to wireless internet than to wired. Phones, tablets, laptops and sometimes even desktops are connected to world web wirelessly via Wi-Fi or fast mobile networks.   Believe us or not, but the Internet is not as “wireless” as you may think. Any wireless network at some point still goes into cable connection […]
  • Posted September 6, 2016

Turning Off Windows Ink

Windows Ink is a new Microsoft feature introduced in the Anniversary Update in the August 2016. Windows Ink was intended to become a tool that would make your computer pen as easy to use as pen and paper. Sticky Notes, Scratch Pen, Screen Sketch – Anniversary Update is full of apps that waste your desktop […]
  • Posted September 5, 2016

SSD memory types. What to choose?

For the past several years we’ve witnessed a hot competition on the market of storage devices.  Hard Disk Drives are in the red corner of the ring. Proven, affordable, but slow – they’ve been the part of the PC world for over half a century. In the blue corner – lightning-fast new SSD-devices that rely […]
  • Posted September 1, 2016

New Apple IPhone 7 will be released on September 7th?

This week Apple has started sending invitations to the press conference that will take place on September 7th. The motto of the forthcoming event is “See you on the 7th”. As usual no one knows what products will be revealed during the presentation, but many take the recurrent number 7 as the hint to the […]