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What is outsourcing and why you need it

The concept of outsourcing has entered into world practice just few years ago, but has already spread as one of the best practices worldwide.The idea of outsourcing is generally transferring certain company duties and operations to another company.   Companies quickly began to understand the benefits of the system, and now there is quite a high […]

What is going on with Skype?

Today, with the abundance of methods of communication, Skype is a service that is already considered an old school app. At the time of release Skype has been a state of the art technology and quickly attracted a huge number of users, but today new services like Viber and WhatsApp have overtaken and outstripped it in the number of users, and […]

Pokemon Go: 10 most common problems with the game and how to fix

Pokemon Go doesn’t work? You cannot login? GPS signal not found? In this article we will shed light on the most common problems with Pokemon Go on both Android and iOS and ways to fix them. July 2016 will forever enter the books of history as a month when the world was widely conquered by Pokemon Go release. However the joy […]

Top cryptocurrency wallets

Today digital wallet is maybe the fastest and easiest way to pay for goods and services over the internet. They differ in currency, fees and country of residence, but mainly the provided financial services do not depend on geographical or other restrictions, making digital wallets popular worldwide. Today we decided to pay our attention to so-called cryptocurrency wallets […]

Tesla Motors Master Plan: Part II

In 2006 Elon Musk revealed The Secret Tesla Motors Master Plan to the public on Tesla Motors website. It was company’s 10 year development strategy, which, in short, can be broken down to the following main points: create a sports car, earn money on it and use it to create an affordable car, future profits direct to creating an even more affordable model, […]

How to fix Windows

Every Windows users experience issues with the operation system from time to time. Touchpad stopped working, touchscreen issues, drivers problems or computer becomes slower – these are everyday problems that Windows users deal with daily. In case you experience any of the mentioned above problems, or any other computer related issue, you have 4 possible […]

How to set shutdown or restart timer in Windows

I’m sure that at least once you faced the situation when you would need  to set a shutdown or restart timer on your Windows PC while being out of reach. This may have happened because you left some huge application to download overnight or maybe you have some background job on your office PC and policy requires […]

Checking out Office Online

Lots of people are used to work with Microsoft Office apps. When they need to use online alternatives of Microsoft Office they may face some inconvenience. Best known online service Google Drive with its apps does not have several advanced features and functionality that is available in standalone Office applications. For such cases there is http://office.com . This site provides access to such […]

iPad Pro 9.7: do I really need it?

iPads are sold since 2010. During this time, a tablet has found its own place in many people’s lives. It is used for both professional and entertainment purposes. In some cases, tablets (in particular – iPad) began replacing the computer. In the final Apple presentation, which showed iPad Pro 9,7, Phil Schiller said that 600 […]

Windows 10: Double click to create a restore point

Having a Windows restore point is always a good idea, as you never know when your computer crashes next time. In case you are planning some computer maintenance, registry changes or simply want to install new beta version of some driver or program you need to make sure that if something goes wrong you have a way […]