How to fix Windows
Every Windows users experience issues with the operation system from time to time. Touchpad stopped working, touchscreen issues, drivers problems or computer becomes slower – these are everyday problems that Windows users deal with daily.
In case you experience any of the mentioned above problems, or any other computer related issue, you have 4 possible scenarios:
- Fix it yourself.
- Don’t pay attention and live with that.
- Bring your computer to some local workshop.
- Call support and have your problem fixed immediately on-line.
The first way would be the best, in case you know what you are doing. But if you are not a computer professional, you might worsen the situation and automatically move to the 3rd of 4th scenario.
The second method is ok, if the problem is not critical – let’s say your touchpad is not working, but you have a mouse and don’t use it anyway. But if your problem is giving you a headache, you need to move to the 3rd or 4th scenario.
Third scenario is ok if you have enough time to find a local workshop, drive there and be ready to leave your computer in the workshop for a few days. It’s ok, if you have some kind of hardware problem and your computer doesn’t turn on, but if the problem is in your software – there is a faster and not so expensive way to solve your problem – remote support.
Internet nowadays is not only a way to spend time in Facebook or send an instant message to the other part of the world, but allows you to get professional help immediately, allowing computer specialist to get connected to your computer remotely and fix the problem right away. It’s faster than in local shop and cheaper, since neither you nor computer specialist have no need to drive somewhere. Plus, you can control what the specialist is doing (unlike the workshop, where you leave your computer) and pay ONLY when the problem is resolved.
In addition, remote support is working 24/7, so in case you have an important online conference in half an hour and you need the computer to be fixed within this time frame – online support is your choice.
- On July 21, 2016
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