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  • Posted September 22, 2015

Internet Browser – Default page issues

Internet browsing usually is much fun, but sometimes it may bring unexpected results. One the popular issues is that your default page in browser gets set to some website (online store, news portal, some strange search engine or even something adult). This can be easily considered as a virus, but antiviruses never pay attention to […]
  • Posted September 20, 2015

Windows 10: Turning off Windows Defender in Windows 10

Howdy! If you want to go all-ninja, swift, and risky and unleash the full power of your computer’s CPU on that bulky video project that you are about to render, you might want to consider turning off Windows Defender. Yes, you will be unprotected, but there is a plus in that sometimes. In windows 7 […]
  • Posted September 18, 2015

PHOTOS app in Windows 10: first impression

Howdy! Windows 10 comes loaded with updated native applications compared to Windows 8.1. Photos app is one of them. When I installed Windows 10 about a month ago it was one of the first apps to launch. I just wanted to see what Microsoft improved compared to 8.1 version which did not even filter photos […]
  • Posted September 17, 2015

Skype Outage (Update)

Skype confirmed that they currently have server issues and their team is working on it. According to Skype all messages are being delivered, but the contacts presence is shown incorrectly, and consequently you might have the problem with outgoing calls. The problem, however, seems to be regional – you can even find the outage map […]
  • Posted September 17, 2015

IOS9 on IPad or is that what you call multitasking?

I have a lot of different tablets at home – Samsung, Asus, Lenovo and, of course, Apple, which is my family’s favorite one. I think there’s no need to explain why – wonderful display, good sound, easy to use, etc. However, there always has been one thing about IOS that drove me crazy – I’m […]
  • Posted September 17, 2015

New features in IOS9 for IPHONE

Hi guys! I have just updated my iPhone to Apple’s new iOS 9. So far so good! Here I just want to dwell on new features I have discovered in iOS9 for iPhone . Finally you are able to search for that hidden setting simply typing what you want to find in the search screen […]
  • Posted September 16, 2015

What is the most popular browser?

There is a funny joke about the Internet Explorer: — Why do you need Internet Explorer? — To download Chrome! This joke is true in over 60% of the cases as that is a share of the Chrome among all internet browsers that are used today. In one of our previous articles, we stated that […]
  • Posted September 15, 2015

OS X el capitan comming soon

New OS X version for MACs called El Capitan is about to be released (Autumn 2015). Its main prosare concentrated around usability and performance. It’s a good thing to hear because performance of Yosemite (previous OS for Macs ) was truly lacking. In terms of performance we are talking about statistics presented by Craig Federighi […]
  • Posted September 14, 2015

Windows 10: Bugs and Errors — Microsoft style.

We already got used to the fact that Microsoft produces a good volume of bugs and different kinds of errors within their products.This happened to all OS that Microsoft released for the past 20 years. We can see that with old (but somehow still popular) Windows XP and brand new Windows 10 (that has been […]
  • Posted September 13, 2015

Microsoft recommends to use Edge for Windows 10

Microsoft Edge was probably one of the most expected features of the new Windows 10. A brand new browser that ended Internet Explorer’s era, alongside with Cortana, severely advertised during all demos and conferences that Microsoft held during the last year. Edge browser was promised to be faster than its predecessor, more convenient and user-friendly. […]