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  • Posted April 12, 2018

How to check if my data leaked from Facebook?

If you reading this, you have probably heard about Facebook major data leak to Cambridge Analytica and, probably, concerned about your information being exposed. There is a simple way to check if your data leaked or your account is still safe implemented by Facebook team. You don’t need to install anything or analyze it yourself, Facebook will do it for you. […]
  • Posted April 5, 2018

Another Windows Anniversary Update

At the beginning of March, Microsoft has completed, probably, the major and the largest update, called Anniversary Update. Online resources around the world have already reviewed the update, and still talk about its innovations and advantages. However, in 2018, users are still complaining about the errors and problems that haunt them after installing Anniversary Update. […]
  • Posted February 20, 2018

Can not copy text from PDF file

You might came across the situation when you want to copy an paragraph or two from som PDF file to use those in you school paper or research, but the copy button was not active or not even there at all. When the file creator saves the file to the PDF he has an option […]
  • Posted February 20, 2018

IOS 12

The presentations of the new iPhone X and iOS 11 were huge events for a smartphone industry in 2017. Some people liked the updates, some did not, but we prefer to leave it all to history. The most interesting question now is how Apple can improve future iOS 12 to satisfy both fans and haters. […]
  • Posted February 6, 2018

How to Speed up Google Chrome Loading Time

If you ever find that your Google Chrome browser is taking too long to load there is no need to be frustrated. I have just the solution for you. Actually two solutions.   Solution #1: Disable or remove unused Chrome Extensions To do that just open your Chrome browser and navigate to the menu icon in the […]
  • Posted February 1, 2018

Windows 10 Features That I Miss on Mac

I am a big fan of Apple computers, but I am also a fan of Windows computers, because I use both almost equally. And so in this post I want to focus on few of the things that I wish I had, that I miss, when I am on my Mac. So let’s get right […]
  • Posted January 30, 2018

Mining is easy!

Cryptocurrency is a rising trend from 2017. It’s hard to find a person who hasn’t heard about Bitcoin. Even my grandma who has never used a computer or a smartphone with touchscreen has heard of Bitcoin. People who are into computers know many more names of cryptos – Ethereum, Monero, Dash, Zcash, etc. And, of […]
  • Posted January 17, 2018

CUBASE VS. FL STUDIO: which one does it best for a beginner musician?

Many musicians, who work hard on developing their skills and constantly try to become more professionals in their field, sooner or later encounter the problem of recording their own musical pieces. The first logical question is … how? Being a guitarist myself, I’ve recently reached the point when I am sick and tired of hearing […]
  • Posted January 5, 2018

Ping spikes on Wi-Fi every 10 seconds. – Solved.

Few days ago, after moving my home PC to another place, I bumped into a situation, where the cable connection is no longer an option and the only way to get Internet was Wi-Fi. In the 21st century this should not be a problem, however my first Skype call shocked me with poor call quality […]
  • Posted December 28, 2017

Converting media with VLC

The VLC player can be easily considered to be an ultimate media player that is able not only to play back files stored on your computer, but also online streams. It can even stream video to the world wide web from your computer. VLC has tons of the cool features and today we will talk about video […]