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  • Posted November 3, 2015

Inserting Photo or Video to email on iOS devices

Sometimes it is really necessary to paste a photo to an email you have already started composing on you iOS device (iPad, iPhone) To do this simply press your finger in the text body and hold, you will see a popup menu. Just find an option insert photo or video and choose a photo. In the […]
  • Posted November 2, 2015

Touchscreen stopped working after upgrading to Windows 10?

We already had people calling us with this issue on their laptops. The last interesting case was with HP EliteBook Revolve 810 G1. The problem was that laptop uses driver from manufacturer to work with touchscreen, and this driver does not work with Windows 10 yet. Hopefully Windows 10 already has its own touchscreen drivers so the trick was […]
  • Posted October 30, 2015

How to google as proxy?

If you happen to be an office worker and your office network has your favorite websites blocked by the IT team you still can try to work around and use proxy server to access them. To do that, you need to know these servers and make some changes in your network configurations on your PC. […]
  • Posted October 29, 2015

How to turn your Windows laptop into Wi-Fi hotspot

You have only one Ethernet cable and want to share internet via Wi-Fi, but there is no router around? Not a problem, you just need a laptop or a PC with Wi-Fi chip available. Some may use third party software for this purpose, but it is not always free and not always works. We will share with you […]
  • Posted October 28, 2015

Drivers stopped working after upgrading to Windows 10?

Many people who upgraded to Windows 10 from earlier versions of Windows may have experienced driver problem with this or that piece of hardware installed on PC or laptop. Windows 10 is a comparatively fresh operating system and does have some issues that Microsoft it rapidly fixing now. Actually, they plan to release their first major fix […]
  • Posted October 27, 2015

What to remove first when your phone storage is full

We have all been in situation when new OS update is out but we are not able to install it due to a lack of available space left on our phones. Here is a list of things you might want to remove first when storage is full. First, find out what’s draining your storage space. […]
  • Posted October 26, 2015

How to show hidden files, folders and extensions in Windows

Windows does not show all files and folders for the user by default. This actually makes sense if we are talking about preventing unskilled users from interfering the system and program files, but what if you need to see these hidden items? It’s rather simple and we will share with you how to do this. […]
  • Posted October 23, 2015

Windows 7: System restore

System backup is a standard and mandatory procedure on an enterprise level. This guarantees system and data safety and gives a possibility of an immediate recovery in case of any incident. At the same time, small business and regular home users consider system and data backup to be not necessary. However, system backup on a […]
  • Posted October 22, 2015

Understanding NTFS allocation unit size difference

Don’t know about you, but I have always wondered what is the difference between different allocation unit sizes, when formatting drives in Windows. The answer is pretty straightforward. Basically, the allocation unit size is the block size on your hard drive when it formats NTFS. If you have lots of small files, then it’s a good […]
  • Posted October 21, 2015

Home Servers

How many smart devices do you have at home? PC, laptop, tablets, phones, tv… How to do you store all the data – music, pictures, videos, documents? Most likes they all are scattered on your devices. What about concentrating everything in one place? All your files can be stored in one place and accessible from […]