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  • Posted August 16, 2021

Positions you can and should outsource in 2021

To fully assess all the benefits of a particular device, you need to utilize it for at least some time. If you are completely satisfied with your experience, you will for sure recommend it to your friends. Even though our company offers a broad range of outsourcing services, we actively use all its advantages ourselves.  […]
  • Posted August 6, 2021

Major Blunders You Better Avoid During Software Development

These days, the business market is quite simple –  find a solution to the complex problem and promote your service to potential customers. But right before the success hits the product and the CEO starts publishing their success story, this business needs an efficient workflow. The company requires software for the internal working process and […]
  • Posted July 20, 2021

IT Consulting: How It Works and Why you need it

What is IT consulting? IT consulting is an activity focused on supporting all kinds of work processes in the enterprise, using modern technologies. To put it plainly, it is specialized advice in the field of computer hardware and software. They allow the enterprise to find out the effectiveness of using information technology, obtain significant benefits […]
  • Posted July 13, 2021

3 Ways on How to Delete Memory Dump Files in Windows 10

Hey-hello! When buying my latest laptop, I thought I would be using it only for my work, which is why I chose the 128GB version. Actually, that is more than enough for me, but I am the person who cleans his desktop once in a blue moon.  Thus, my SSD asks me for some fresh […]
  • Posted July 8, 2021

All you need to know about summer gaming events 2021

Every year June starts to return to its previous state – being the primary gaming month. This summer gaming industry flourishes with updates giving us promising and ambitious projects despite being shut down due to a global pandemic. So check out all the big releases we have gathered for you and start saving your money […]
  • Posted June 30, 2021

How to choose the outsourcing team in 2021

In recent years more and more companies prefer to work remotely, and Covid-19 only accelerated this process. Work from home helps to keep the employees in safety and stay efficient, but it turned out that the consequences of the coronavirus are long-term. In such a situation, business is still faced with decision-making and overcoming difficulties […]
  • Posted June 26, 2021

Windows 11: is it that a big jump?

After nearly six years, Microsoft designed the next generation of (probably) the most popular and widespread OS in the world. Windows 11 will replace a well-known Windows 10, although not for everyone. But let’s get quickly a look at what Microsoft prepared for us. First and foremost, design has changed. Even though we couldn’t catch […]
  • Posted June 22, 2021

Google stopped working on Android phones

More and more users report issues with Google. They claim that search engine stops working on their phones. According to Downdetector, around 197 users reported having problems with Google services in the US as of 1:20 a.m. on June 22. But the problem occurs all-around other countries as well like Japan, UK, India, etc. The […]
  • Posted June 15, 2021

How to fix WerFault.exe error

Each of us has come across Windows errors. There is a large number of them and every error implies its own ways of solving the problem. Today I want to talk specifically about fixing the WerFault.exe error. The first part of the article is informative. If you want to go straight to the solution, then […]
  • Posted June 9, 2021

WWDC 2021 is over and iOS 15 is here soon

So the Apple held WWDC 2021 just the other day. What was new in this year’s presentation?  Well, there was a thing or two. For your convenience, we covered all the major news in several sentences and this article will be the shortest you have ever seen! iOS 15 (Image: Apple Inc., all right reserved) […]