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  • Posted August 15, 2016

Wireless technologies, how it works

Modern technology has much simplified our everyday tasks. Wireless technologies have contributed a lot to this, being one of the most advanced and fastest growing in demand. Wireless technology made it a lot easier to unite different kinds of devices under one group in order to share information. This all works wirelessly, allowing the connected devices to stay […]
  • Posted August 12, 2016


Setting up an email account in one of the email clients, you might have been wondering, what is POP3 & IMAP, and which one is better? The answer to this question is simple – it all depends on your preferences. POP3 (Post Office Protocol) pulls all email messages from the mail server and stores them in a mail […]
  • Posted August 11, 2016

Outsourcing history

We have already had a review of such business mechanism as outsourcing, but today we want to talk about its evolution and why it became so popular within a decade.   Growth of Internet connection speed and global Internet coverage, brought to business life new tendencies such as WFH (Work from home) and later evolved to outsourcing. First, […]
  • Posted August 10, 2016

Ad blockers will no longer work on Facebook

Ad blockers will no longer work on Facebook as social network developers will present new advertising format with advanced possibilities.   Modern Internet contains tons of advertisement. Most of it is really straightforward, annoying and useless. Lots of Internet users are installing different software in order to block as much ads as possible. As advertisement generates huge income for internet related industries, […]
  • Posted August 9, 2016

USB cables and connectors – types, differences, characteristics

There are several types of USB connectors (Universal Serial Bus – Universal Serial Bus), that can be divided into three generations – USB v1.1, USB v2.0 and USB v3.0.   Version v1.1 is rarely used nowadays because of its very low data transfer rate (12 Mbit/ s). It is mostly used for compatibility purposes. The next generation – USB 2.0 is now, maybe, […]
  • Posted August 8, 2016

Every note with Evernote? What alternatives do you have?

Recently, one of the first truly successful startups – notes storage service Evernote – has announced major changes in their tariff plans. I will not try to analyze all possible causes of this event, Evernote has changed the terms of service use many times, but it’s the first time that these changes affect basic functionality. The key innovation here is that […]
  • Posted August 5, 2016

First sight at Windows 10 Anniversary Update

The major Windows 10 update, a so called Anniversary update that we wrote about some time ago, has been finally released. It’s true that its beta version was available for some time, but starting August the 2nd , its final version is available and is being delivered to users through Windows Update.   However, it looks like that the update […]
  • Posted August 4, 2016

Outsourcing in numbers

Outsourcing is a huge and still growing part of the technology business. Despite multiple challenges and risks, industry players are actively including outsourcing to their business model. By doing this, companies are not only looking for lowering their expenses but targeting for improved processes and better performance.   For the past fifteen years outsourcing growth was rapid […]
  • Posted August 3, 2016

Low sounds or can barely hear dialogs in movies or games? Fixed!

You did not have sound problems on your computer? Then you are lucky, because these are very irritating, destroying all the pleasant experience from watching a movie or playing a game.   First let’s focus on low sound problem in Windows, despite speaker volume and all related configurations maxed. This can be diagnosed by very low […]
  • Posted August 2, 2016

Windows Ink: for those in love with handwriting and for designers

Build Developers Conference in 2016 was the hippest technological gig of April. There Microsoft revealed everything it currently works on and how it sees the future of technology: a new version of Windows 10, Skype updates, bots as a basis for the web and HoloLens. In this article, however, I would like to draw attention to a product that simply stands out […]