First web site celebrates its 25th anniversary
It is hard to believe, but one of the basic things of the modern life, something that we face daily is not as old as we might think. The first website just turned 25 years old.
On December 20th, 1990 the first website on the internet went online. It was launched at CERN on NeXT computer.
Though this site was not available to public until August 1991 it is still considered to be the first one.
You can see what did it look like here.
All started with Tim Berners-Lee writing a proposal to create an information system for the laboratory. This proposal was approved by Mike Sendall and the process started.
At the first sight it seems to be strange that it took over a year to create and launch such a simple site, but its creator Tim Berners-Lee had to define such basic things like URL and html and even develop first web-browser and server software.
More information about the history of the first browser and what happened afterwards you can read here.
- On December 21, 2015
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