TOP 10 Windows hot keys
If you are experienced Microsoft Windows user, you are for sure already aware of most common Windows shortcuts and key combinations. But you still may be not aware of some useful Windows shortcuts that may make you a happier operating on PC. We will share with you some useful Windows shortcuts that may become handy.
1. Alt + Tab
Use this combination to switch between current and previous window. Press Alt + Tab and hold Alt key to see thumbnails of all open windows to locate the one you need. Also you can use Windows + Tab combo to enjoy the same functionality in 3D.
2. Windows + L
You often step out and need to lock your computer every time? Then this shortcut is for exactly what you need.
3. Windows + Up / Windows + Down
Moving you mouse to minimize/maximize your window may result in closing it instead if you hit the wrong button. Use these keyboard shortcuts to restore / minimize your windows instead. This is faster and safer.
4. Windows + Left / Windows + Right
These two combinations dock your active window to the appropriate side of the screen. This is useful to optimize workspace. Adding Shift to this combo will allow you to move your active window between screens if you have more than one monitor – Windows + Shift + Left/Right.
5. Shift + Delete
When you delete something on your computer, it goes to Recycle Bin first still consuming your disk space. This combo will delete file without putting them to Recycle Bin, but be sure that you delete the right files – it will be very difficult to restore them if deleted by mistake.
6. Windows + E
You are working with files and need Windows Explorer all the time? This shortcut will open it for you in no time.
7. Ctrl + Shift + N
And this will create new folder for you without manipulating your mouse.
8. Alt + F6
If you have many documents open in MS Word / Excel, or any other program, this combo will help you to quickly switch between you documents.
9. Windows + D
You have lots of open windows and you need to access you Desktop quickly – this combo will minimize all open windows and will get you there.
10. Windows + Space
This one is very useful if you just need to see your desktop for a moment and return back to your active window. It makes all open windows transparent.
- On November 11, 2015
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